Core Muscle Anatomy
This class is the foundation of our certification program.. It is a PREREQ for our training or you can test out.
FORMAT: Two weekends, Sat/Sun
Live CMA:
• Tuition: $440 (includes both required texts: CMA manual and Trail Guide to the Body)
Virtual CMA:
• Tuition: $410 (includes 1 required text: an
e-version of the CMA manual; a hard copy can be sent to students with an additional payment of $35 + shipping.
• Required Texts: $75 (may vary; the 2nd required text, Trail Guide to the Body, will need to be ordered in advance by students themselves. Use code STU15 to receive a 15% discount off the new 6th edition copy from Books of Discovery, which also includes additional online resources)
Comprehensive Mat
Live Comprehensive Mat:
• Tuition: $940 (includes Kane Core Principles 3-DVD online series and all independent study hours)
• Required Text and Student Class card: $462.74 (purchased on the first day of the course at Kinected; includes manual, Moving AnatoME textbook, required 10 group mat classes(online or in-person), expert private session with Wendee or Stephanie, and student lecture series)
Total: $1402.74
Basic Training I and II
Live Basic Training
• Tuition: $4,675
– includes all lectures, meetings with Wendee and Stephanie, supervised teaching, Student Lecture Series sessions, independent study hours and $125 final exam fee.
– $300 deposit due at time of registration. Inquire for payment plans
• Scarborough Pilates Student Card: $1,461.09
– includes Phase I & II manuals, Workbook, 10 equipment classes, 9 private sessions with Wendee, 1 private session with Stephanie + 10 private apprentice sessions
– purchased through the Education Manager one week prior to the start of the program
Total: $6,136.09
All Photographs are couresty of Kinected and/or Lee Rayment.
Already certified in Pilates but want a Kane School education? The Bridge Program offers teachers an abbreviated track to enhance their current training with a Kane School Certification in both mat and equipment.
Total hours: 108 hours (Intensive), 99 hours (Weekend)
Please email us if interested this is program -